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Project EARTHgames4EyoUth

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Project description

This 4-countries-involving project initiative is supported as a Cooperation Partnership in Youth under Key Action 2 of Erasmus+ programme, co-funded by the European funds.

The EARTHgames4EyoUth project is focused on the development of Earth competences among young Europeans, and it tackles knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards reducing global and climate change impacts and provides a pathway of a smooth transition from policies to the grassroots level, making them more consumable for youngsters.

With our project we provide the youth work sector with a new framework of competences, a set of interactive games and an educational program, which will address a wide array of environmental issues from various perspectives and using various approaches. All methods and tools are carefully designed and co-created by educational experts, together with youth workers and educators (teachers, trainers, researchers). Thus, they secure the increased quality through adequately co-created educational material and since the methods and tools are open for expanding, they are also innovative on the environmental education scene.


Innovative nature

The EARTHgames4EyoUth project is fully innovative through bringing unique combination of methods (competence framework, gamification of policies and non-formal education program with a scientific emphasis) and learners (youth workers and young people themselves). Thus, the result will be a new and holistic approach to youth workers and educators of different types, such as teachers, trainers, researchers and others working with young people and interested in the topic.

Moreover, the above mentioned target groups will also be involved in co-creating some of the games and educational materials, by testing the draft versions, giving feedback and offering suggestions for better adapting them to their needs. In this matter, various people will come together and they will be able to discuss topics related to youth and education and share their experience, in an informal way, contributing to a more common approach.

The EARTHgames4EyoUth project fulfills all modern educational needs in an unique way, by offering an educational package that “translates” official policies and regulations into a creative, impactful and practical approach. Not to mention fun and easy to apply both in formal and non-formal systems.

EARTHgames4EyoUth project is supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.



Our project is built on individual experience of 4 institutions (Mare Nostrum, UNIgrowth, Slovak Eco Quality i Today We Have), which are heavily involved in educational and environmental activities both in our countries and internationally, through cooperation with various types of international institutions.

Thus each partner brings their individual, local experience and expertise, however, through our international presence and networks, partners also bring global experience and good practices. Therefore, the project team realizes the philosophy of thinking/doing things locally, while acting globally. The combined set of unique skills and knowledge of tools and mechanisms of modern education, with various backgrounds, vast experience in educational actions, which have been promoted, run and exchanged internationally, provides a fantastic platform of experts who know how to operate on different levels of education.

Our partnership is cross-sectorial, being formed not only of NGOs, but having on board also a for-profit SME, with a complementary expertise and approach towards sustainable development and climate change.