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Results I live by the Sea Contest 2024

It is my pleasure to present the winners of the I live by the Sea International Youth Photo and Film Contest 2024. Before I do so, I would also like to congratulate all of the participants for their great work. Thank you very much to our partners work, the engagement

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Results I live by the Sea Contest 2023

It is my pleasure to present the winners of the I live by the Sea International Youth Photo and Film Contest 2023. Before I do so, I would also like to congratulate all of the participants for their great work. Thank you very much to our partners work, the engagement

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Eko peeling

Eco peeling

We invite you to the Sopot Science Picnic on June 11, which will be held at the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The picnic is a fantastic opportunity to broaden your knowledge of the marine environment. In the green areas at Powstańców Warszawy 55 in Sopot,

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The World is Heading

Winners 2022

The International Junior Conference entitled Where the World is Heading 2022 took place yesterday. Children and youth from Romania, Spain, Morocco and Poland presented their amazing projects, which you can see also at PADLET The Scientific Committee, after long discussions, decided that the winners are: Analysis of microplastic in the

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I live by the sea

Results Contest 2022

It is my pleasure to present the winners of the I live by the Sea International Youth Photo and Film Contest 2022. Before I do so, I would also like to congratulate all of the participants for their great work. Thank you very much to our partners work, the engagement

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The winners of the eu40cean in action

EU4Ocean coalition award – Sky Blue

Today We Have a great moment! On 20 May, during the European Maritime Day in Ravenna 2022, the Director General of DG MARE of the European Commission has awarded the I live by the Sea contest with a: “Main EU4Ocean coalition award – Sky Blue” for significant achievement in bringing forward ocean

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