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12.05.2021 Webinar Spring School



Karoliina joined BONUS EEIG in January 2019 as the Project Officer of the Baltic and North Sea Coordination and Support Action (BANOS CSA). Together with the BANOS CSA coordinator, Karoliina manages the work of the national-level programme managers and develops the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the future Baltic and North Sea research and innovation programme. Her duties also include forming stakeholder platforms and devising measures aiming at reinforcing the future programme’s impact.

Karoliina received her PhD in the field of marine biogeology from University Utrecht in 2008. In 2008-2013 she worked in multiple post-doctoral positions in both Utrecht University and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (Royal NIOZ). In 2014, Karoliina received an Academy Research Fellowship from the Academy of Finland and continued leading her own research projects in the University of Helsinki, Finland. In 2016-2018 Karoliina also acted as a principal investigator in another Academy of Finland funded Key Project.



She had her studies in Biology and a master degree in Biodiversity Conservation. For over 8 years she is in charge of organizing and coordinating public events, aimed to inform and educate people in order to respect the environment. She was involved in projects that targeted different areas, such as education or marine litter, responsible research and innovation, organic agriculture, sustainable development, but with the same purpose: a cleaner environment! Her main attributions are planning and reporting projects, organizing activities, public procurements, communication with partners and different stakeholders.

Webinar recording:

FB: https://fb.watch/5rSfup707A/

All information about the I live by the Sea Spring School HERE